Water treatment, improvement of potable water quality of water utilities

On the basis of the water quality standards valid from 2001, resp. 2002, there was an increased demand that the producted potable and thermal water reach to the customers in an adequate quality. Our company offers solutions to the raised problems by its trained team of professionals and by decades experience of designing and construction. We would highlight the water treatment technology of Arló civil parish, where the iron and ammonium content of the produced water was above the value limit so it had to be reduced to the specified values according to regulations.
The essence of water treatment is that the ammonium is removed by breakpoint chlorination. The contact time after the addition of chlorine is ensured in a 15 m3 tank. The chlorine added into the water beside decomposing the ammonium, do oxidize the iron so there is no need special chemicals or air-inlet to remove the iron.
Az oxidált vasat tartalmazó vizet egy nyomásfokozó szivattyúcsoport nyomja át a 4 db tartályból álló szűrőcsoportra. A szűrőtartályok töltete osztályozott kvarchomok, kavics. A vastalanított víz aktívszenes adszorbens csoporton keresztül jut el a felhasználási helyre.
The treated water is undegoing a post-desinfection and after that reaches the customer. Furthermore, our company deals with the designing, licensing and execution of iron and manganese removal equipment, LVS type degassing units, ammonia removers, and in-well degassers.
Our company took part in improvement of potable water quality program of the following settlemets: Kistelek- Csengele, Mezőtúr, Ózd, Szeged-Algyő, Szekszárd, Törökszentmiklós, Jászság (Jászapáti + 7 settlements), Kiskunlacháza, Fót and its area.

Improvement of potable water quality program, construction


6762 Sándorfalva, Sövényházi út 1.




